Sometimes admitting that youre not okay is the hardest thing you can do, BUT, it is the first and biggest step to getting better. I am revisiting this post and feeling every word to the bone…. #itsokaytonotbeokay #startingover #eyesonthehorizon #thesunriseneverlies
Anyone else feel alone and abandoned today? Friday is supposed to be Yay! Day…. I cant be bothered with it and actually feel I could bite the hand that tried to hug me…. So, I revisited this post yet again. Every word stings like saltwater in a new paper cut. #yourenotalone #askforhelp #dontgiveup
Waking up to darkness is real… thoughts crowding your mind of why bother and is it worth it… misgivings about every aspect of your life, questioning every success like each is a traitor, nodding hello at every failure as if each is a familiar good friend… last night I was a warrior. This morning, I feel like a tangled ball of useless frustration. A failure not worth the fight. It would feel better to just get back in the box… Facing myself in the mirror was the first step. Shedding a few tears in the shower where no one could hear me was the second. Facing myself again in the mirror and reminding myself that I am worthy and appreciated, even if its by only one person was the third step. And getting dressed, having breakfast and facing my day was the last… life goes on. Chin up. #thestruggleisreal #anxietyawareness #sadness #depressionawareness #ptsdawarenessmonth #itsokaynottobeokay #bethebestversionofyou