Some mornings it takes an extremely early start, the vestiges of a brutal migraine and the exhaustion of physical therapy for a shoulder injury to remind me that physical scars (my body carries many that ache all the time) are exactly this… a reminder that I am alive and have survived a few hellish surgeries and three natural childbirths without any drugs. If I can get through all of that, I can survive the day-to-day pains. Physical pain is an obstacle to achieving your best self. Emotional pain, sadness, depression, anxiety – you have to think that these are obstacles to achieving your best self as well. To achieve your goal of being the best version of yourself that you can be, you can work towards it physically with exercise, but you can also exercise your mind. You don’t have to give in to the anxiety and the PTSD and the darkness. You are not broken; you are a work in progress! Just as you are conditioned to doing reps of squats or pushups or even running, you can repeat reps of positivity pressups and joyful jump squats by making lists of things you are thankful for, and what your positive goals are that you are working towards every day, and what brings you joy.
Repeat these things to yourself out loud in the mirror in the morning, write them on post its and put them in places you’ll see them throughout the day to remind you not to give in to the negative and the dreary thoughts. Make an effort to conquer your goals every day and remember, every day is a new day and the only easy day was yesterday. Work just that much harder tomorrow to make that new start and find your joy! Grow from every experience, from every failure and become the success you see yourself to be!
Repost from @22untilnone
Stick this on post it notes all over your house. You. Are. Not. Broken. You are a survivor! Survivors aren’t weak, and its not weak to admit you’re dealing with the fall out of a traumatic experience. Healing takes time, so give yourself some grace.