It’s always good to remember this, even when it seems so far off mark. Every day we are forced to face so many reasons to harden our hearts and strike back with our words, our fists, or worse… and we are witnessing what happens when “we” do. The strongest nation in the world appears to be weakening, crumbling upon the very foundation and tenets of which it was built those hundreds of years ago! Our forefathers fought for ALL of our freedoms, our military laid down their lives so that we could taste the sweetness of all of those inalienable rights we have been given… and here we are, an entitled, selfish mass of petulant urchins spitting on those freedoms; the very ones that unfortunately give us a right to do so. GROW UP AMERICA! Love your neighbours and respect each other! Rebuild our great nation so there is a legacy worth leaving to our children! Show a UNITED front to those who mean us harm outside our borders, not fighting within our ranks! Remember, there is STRENGTH in numbers, but it is our KIND hearts and our COURAGEOUS souls that make us BETTER and BRAVER and FORGIVING and LOVING. We are ONE and we ALL matter! #ALLLIVESMATTER #loveyourneighbor #respectforall